Helen is thinking about......

Helen is thinking about......

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


This week we have three quizzes and a big assignment which are very important as before. I need to prepare them carefully. Until today, I make many new friends who are very lovely in our classroom. Until today, I got some good marks, and I did many great jobs. Until today, I have been here for one more year. Until today, I lost some precious things at the same time I get something. Until today, I didn't remember how many times I had ....and until today, I still believe a dream. But, today, I really hesitate......if the dream is only belong to a dream or it can come true.
The night is so quiet that she feels a flood of panic. She looks at herself in front of a mirror. She hears someone is whispering in the bathroom. While she is crying, a girl is smiling to her. The girl said “please take care of you and please be braver.”

“ridiculous” She answered loudly then turned around……
“If no one loves u, I love u. If no one knows you are still alive, I take care of u. If everyone forgets about u, I remember u.” the girl thought.


Sam said...

The girl will be better tomorrow after a good sleep.

Amin said...

I didn't understand what happened!!! :D

Jason said...

Hey, l lost my password for my blog, so recreate a new one, here is my address: jasonzhou-ucalgary.blogspot.com

welcome to my blog. haha

Li said...

same with the first two guys...what the hell......i don't get it

Yolanda said...

Take care......

Anonymous said...

must something happen there?
just write what she was thinking about, and, her feeling. maybe.
sometime you really feel like writing something down, maybe that was what she had done.
a dream is a dream forever, i think, cuz i believe so.

Anonymous said...

What happened?? take care of yourself......

helen said...

I just read Ivy's blog, then yours. I think both of you do not talk about the same thing. Take care and belive tomorrow must come whether you are better or worst. Then, why are you not happy today even tomorrw is the last day of the world.